

Procedural Audio, made in Unity3D

This project is a case-study on “How you can produce some sounds from scratch by writing c# code in Unity3D”. It includes a custom class, called “ProceduralAudioController” which is actually a custom Audio Synthesizer with capabilities such as Tone Selection (and Mix), Amplitude Modulation and Frequency Modulation. The project also features a Circular Spectrogram, as well as a Complex Object that reacts to some of the Synthesizer’s parameters. Continue reading to find out more about the project!

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Procedural Landscape, made in Unity3D

This project is a case – study on “How you can make a Procedural Landscape in Unity3D, by using c# code”. The Landscape is produced by applying three layers of Perlin Noise on a custom mesh surface. You may edit the Landscape’s control variables in Edit Mode and get a real-time preview of the result. There is also an “animate” function which lets you explore the endless possibilities of the resulting surface.
Continue reading to learn more about the tool’s current features, future plans and see the source-code.

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